Titled "Perilous Crossroads; Challenging Times Ahead" RHB Research painted a not so rosy 4Q2011 outlook for KLCI. Undeniably, our market are in for a turbulent times and we do not know how the year will be ended. Bear or Bull market?
Below is the excerpt from the said report:
~ The US economic recovery has slowed to a crawl, while Europe is not just lurching from one crisis to another, it is lurching into a new one before the previous one is solved. There is growing risk that sustained weak confidence could exert downward pressure on demand and business activity worldwide.
~ Nevertheless, "double-dip" recession can still be avoided if political leaders get their acts together fast enough to contain the debt crises and avert a contagion given that global trade has not fallen off the cliff.
~ On the home front, we expect the Government to speed up the implementation of the Economic Transformation Programme, which coupled with resilient consumer spending, will provide some cushion to the weak external demand for the country's exports.
~ RHB has revised down our 2012's economic growth projection to 3.6% from 4.5% previously and compared with +4.3% estimated for 2011.
~ With a still cloudy global economic outlook, we believe it is still too early to "bottom fish" at this stage. As global headwinds remain strong and situations could get worse, we will continue to advocate a defensive investment strategy for investors.
~ Under such circumstances, we are of the view that high dividend yielding stocks with reasonably good growth potential would be more resilient and will likely outperform the overall market.