Before checking into a hospital, make sure that you bring your favorite hospital linked credit card next time. Due to stiff competition in credit card industry, special cards which linked to hospital services became a "think out of the box" thing here. Below highlights some of the features for such credit card:
- 2% cash rebate on all expenses at the hospitals
- 20% savings on all hospitals' suites
- 10% savings on all hospitals' charges during admission (excluding doctors' fees)
Do we really need such a card?
For me, I will use credit cards to shop, if credit cards can gave me discount / rebate. Going for shopping can be anytime anywhere as long as I like it. However, going to hospital was not a leisure event, which I do not like to do, and I believe you feel the same. Instead, we should buy a Medical Card for hospitalization.
I think this kind of credit card is meant for those who always visiting hospital, or those old forks. Besides getting discount, cardholders are entitle to fast-admission and earn points for various usage. Good?