In frustration and disappointment, I wrote this post about the connectivity problem of our beloved Malaysia. I am writing this at a cafe, where I have to bare all the petrol and beverages costs in order to arrived. Without further ado, I opened my laptop while waiting for my hot white coffee, to express what's the feeling inside me.
Deep down in me, I want to channel a very clear message to TM and Government that Rakyat like us are very very very frustrated with the Internet service provided by TM. I am bringing up the feeling of Malaysians as a whole that Streamyx is nowhere to transform our nation to high-income nation.
Please do not blame me first. Let me explain my point of view as below:
Dear TM:
- The Internet connection at my area (at least) was always down, even though I had highlighted to them a few times. Please note that I am just "highlighting" to TM. But, these seems not working without "complaining".
Dear Government:
- First we have to ask ourselves why such things happened?
- In fact, this is happening for so many years, although TM did make some improvements.
- It's very clear that the monopoly status conquer by TM on fixed dial-up Internet services (Streamyx) is suck.
- Why not open up the business? Just like the competitive broadband business?
Please do something fast, this is a very urgent issue hampering the efforts being made to attract foreigners to work here, transforming Greater KL, transforming Malaysia as a high-income nation...