Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Is the current turmoil a boon for exchange traded credit derivatives? - Part VII

I have regularly commented, in this blog (starting as early as in December 2007), on the crisis being good news for the main derivatives exchanges (at least on relative terms).

Furthermore, back in March this year I put forward my personal view that the proposed plan to set up an EU-based clearing house for credit default swaps was further good news for derivatives exchanges.

I discussed three exchanges’ role in this clearing, Eurex, NYSE Liffe and IntercontinetalExchange, and it is interesting to see how these firms’ stocks have outperformed S&P500 since my bullish call (on March, 11 - 2009):

Three months’ return, since March, 11
Deutsche Börse (Eurex) +71%
NYSE Euronext (NYSE Liffe) +82%
IntercontinetalExchange +93%

S&P500 +31%

I predict this pattern to continue!