To recap, contributions into a PRS scheme can enjoy a tax relief of up to RM3,000 from YA2012 - YA2021. If you did contribute some money into a PRS scheme in 2012, congratulations, you're entitled for PRS tax relief for YA2012. If you haven't, no worry, you still got time to start contributing before end of this year.
Back to the topic, please follow these few easy steps to get it:
Please surf and click log in. I believe you already get your PIN from PPA when you made your first contribution. If not, please contact PPA and request again.
After log in, you will arrive at the following page. Supposedly, you can download the tax relief statement by clicking "Tax Relief".
However, you will be notified by this message.
Oppsss... What if I didn't keep the receipt or letter given by providers? No worry. Alternatively, you can download the "Consolidated Statement" as a proof and for income tax filling purpose. Hope this could clear your doubts. Happy income tax filing. Thanks.