Sunday, May 27, 2012

2012/2013 List of Unit Trust Funds for EPF Members Investment Scheme

Last week, EPF announced that it has published the revised list of Fund Management Institutions (FMI) and unit trust funds for 2012/2013 for EPF Members Investment Scheme (EPF-MIS). For the period of 2012/2013, a total of 223 active unit trust funds from 24 FMIs are offered under EPF-MIS, details of which are as follows:

"The list of funds under EPF-MIS is reviewed annually based on a set of evaluation criteria that focuses on the consistency of fund performance, as approved by the Ministry of Finance. The evaluation process is carried out together with the Federation of Investment Managers Malaysia (FIMM) which represents the unit trust industry," said EPF General Manager for Public Relations.

When would it be effective?
The revised list will be effective for the period of 1 June 2012 until 31 May 2013. 

List of EPF approved funds from some of the popular Fund Management Institutions:

How about Public Mutual?
Because of too many funds, please click here for the list of funds from Public Mutual.


Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Europe’s Woes Flood Wall Street—But Not the Economy? (May 2012)

After months of buildup, Europe’s sovereign-debt crisis has finally wreaked havoc on the U.S. stock market, as a wave of anxiety has prompted a major sell-off on Wall Street. We’ve seen a dramatically “risk off” environment with the Dow Jones Industrial Average dropping 3.52% — the biggest one-week decline since November — and the S&P 500 falling 4.3%. Among the hardest hit stocks were small caps and tech, with the Russell 2000 and the Nasdaq Composite falling 5.4% and 5.3%, respectively. To further underscore the risk-off environment, the yield on the 10-year Treasury still appears to be searching for a bottom, finishing at 1.702%, but falling below 1.700% intraday this week — a modern-era low.

Spring Swoon?

History may not be repeating itself, but it certainly is rhyming. Like the spring of 2010 and the spring of 2011, investors’ fears are coming to fruition and we are once again experiencing a “spring swoon.” Stocks are selling off and junk-bond spreads are widening, as concerns about the euro-zone crisis are weighing heavily on investors. While some strategists believe Germany may be softening its stance, yields on some EU periphery nations are skyrocketing and rumors abound that the European Central Bank is preparing for a Greek departure from the European Monetary Union. The problem seems to be fundamental to the structure of the EU and therefore there are no easy solutions: while there is one shared currency, there is no true central government with one shared ability to levy taxes or issue debt that all countries are responsible for.

A federal Europe and closer fiscal integration is the ideal solution but it does not appear to be close at hand. The fiscal compact was agreed to in principal in December 2011, which is an important step toward that goal, but it is still awaiting approval by some euro-zone members.

However, the U.S. economy continues to chug along, albeit slowly. Initial jobless claims remain well below 400,000. The Consumer Price Index was flat for April. In fact, the “oil choke collar” has disengaged, with crude oil falling nearly 5% this week to finish at $91.48 per barrel. New residential construction was higher than expected in April as well. One area of disappointment was leading economic indicators, which were slightly negative for the first time in six months, down 0.1% versus expectations of a 0.1% gain. This is largely attributable to a decrease in the number of building permits and an uptick in the number of unemployment claims.

Looser Credit
Last week’s release of the minutes from the Federal Open Markets Committee’s April meeting offers further insight into the U.S. economic picture. While generally bullish in its observation of measured economic growth, the FOMC highlighted a bright spot for the economy that may have been overlooked: banks are loosening credit standards. As reported in the minutes, “Bank credit slowed in March but expanded at a solid pace in the first quarter as a whole. The Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey on Bank Lending Practices conducted in April indicated that, in the aggregate, domestic banks eased slightly their lending standards on core loans—C&I, real estate and consumer loans—and experienced somewhat stronger demand for such loans in the first quarter of 2012.” The Fed’s poll includes 60 large domestic banks and 24 U.S. branches and agencies of foreign banks.

And lower yields mean lower borrowing costs, which are stimulative. This lower cost of borrowing combined with long-awaited and much-needed easing of credit standards could be the one-two punch that the U.S. economy needs to continue to expand.

It is imperative that the situation be monitored closely but with the recognition that, for longer time horizons, higher-quality risk assets with substantial yields such as dividend-paying stocks continue to be attractive investment options. Dividends, which offer the benefit of getting paid to wait for better market conditions, may help steer portfolios until we see calmer seas.

Source: Allianz Global Investors

F---book och deras trötta IPO!

Två saker dominerar nyhetsflödet dessa dagar; antingen skrivs det om Grexit eller så tycks det till om F---book och dess börsintroduktion! Grekland (och att de måste lämna euro-samarbetet) har jag skrivit mig trött om så om jag ska kommentera någondera av dessa nyheter så får det denna gång bli F---book.

Dock, det finns ett råd som är viktigare än alla andra när man pratar aktieinvesteringar och det är förstås; “köp/sälj aldrig en aktie i ett bolag vars verksamhet du ej förstår!” För mig gäller detta i allra högsta grad F---book. Följaktligen har jag inte ägnat många sekunder åt att försöka gissa vad ett rimligt pris på denna aktie skulle kunna vara. M.a.o. ska detta blogginlägg ej tolkas som någon som helst rekommendation för att köpa/sälja F---book aktier!

Ett annat viktigt råd är att inte låta känslor komma emellan dig och marknaden. Hade jag brutit mot detta råd hade jag sagt att det är högst orimligt att F---book skulle kunna vara värt lika mycket som H&M och BMW, tillsammans!! Och så hade jag sagt att jag trott att börskursen om ett år kommer att ha fallit med 90%! Och så skulle jag referera till gamla IPO-godingar som,,, eller, som när det begav sig också stod för ngt nytt, fräsht och spännande och också så tydligt hade framtiden för sig....

Faktum är dock att jag tycker man kan använda detta resonemang (känslorna), omvänt, för att lyfta fram risken att aktien är kraftigt övervärderad. Förutom alla andra argument för varför F--acebook aktien är övervärderad (smarta säljare säljer ut på toppen och ägarna till F---book är smarta) eller undervärderad (nätverkseffekter och first mover advantages har en tendens att underskattas) tycker jag man ska lägga till ”tycka-om-faktorn”. Jag tror helt enkelt känslorna fått för stort spelrum! Jag tror faktiskt sannolikheten för att F---books aktie handlas över startkursen $38 om ett år är mindre än sannolikheten att aktien ska falla mer än 90% från startkursen!

PS. I min undervisning pratar jag ibland om IPOs och som exempel brukar jag försöka med Blackstone Group, Deutsche Telekom eller Bank of China men då ingen reagerar brukar det sluta med att jag tar Google som exempel. Så får det nog bli framöver också!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Was Genneva Gold Investment Scheme a Scam?

Lately, I have a long-lost friend calling me out for a drink. Without hesitation, I am more than happy to meet up with him, a successful businessman. Well, we started off with very casual conversation from politic to investment. Yes, investment is my all-time favorite topic and he knew it. Once my hot button was pressed, he share with me the Genneva Gold Investment Scheme.

With its headquarter situated at Kuchai Entrepreneurs Park, Genneva has evolved to become one of the leading and most innovative gold traders in Malaysia and neighboring countries. What I want to stress here is INNOVATIVE. Why? Please read on...

About the Scheme

Through Genneva's unique wealth sharing platform, you are not only the owner of the gold bullion in hand, you also will get 1.8-2.5% cash return (hibah) every month for 3 months under Genneva's Syariah principle-based product plan. (see picture below)

It is similar to placing your savings in Fixed Deposit. Whether the price of gold goes up or down, your capital is 100% protected with an annualized return of 21.6-30.0%. Whilst if you placed your money into fixed deposit, which only gives you around 3% per year, which one is better? In addition, at the end of each tenure (4 months), you can return the Gold Bullion at the SAME price that you bought the gold. This means a 100% capital protection and guaranteed above 20% return.

WOW. Amazing, fantastic, unbelievable, right? Wait.................................
As an investor, we always reminded that be careful on whatever schemes that promise to gives us high return. Some more, there is NO risk at all in this case. Without rushing for a deal, I search through their website and read some forums on the scheme. It was stated that the company has complied with BAFIA 1989 act and AMLA 2001 act in its website. However, forums are hot in this topic with many people commenting that it was a scam and many Genneva-friendly people refuted their claims. Which side was correct?

Here, Finance Malaysia would like to gather public opinions and comments. Whether you like it or not, it's up to you to judge and decide. For many people, they would rather refrained from entering into this scheme. Why?

  1. The return is too good to be true. Minimum of 21.6% annualized return, some more it is Guaranteed!!! How Genneva going to guaranteed such attractive return?
  2. Can Genneva generate better return from other investment using the capital? (Better than Warren Buffett?) If not, the business model for sure will fail and it's a scam...
  3. Some said Genneva sell gold at a rate more than 20% above market price? Some claims that this is Genneva's admin and processing costs. If that's true, Genneva is making huge profit from us then giving us back the said hibah. Why invest then?
  4. Yes. You can get the physical gold bullion after 4 months. But, how are you going to store it? Investors should look at the cost of holding gold bullion too. That is investment expenses which will eat into the return.
  5. Who is going to certify that the gold bullion was genuine?

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Why Gold Behave Differently this Round? (May 2012)

When market sentiment was bearish, equities market would slump, just like what we seen for past few days. Global markets suffered yet another blow due to the uncertainties surrounding EU, where Greece may potentially exit European Union. Would Greece finally exit EU? This is an interesting yet important questions for investors.

The headlines have been on the EU crisis recently, overshadowing the highly speculated Malaysia general election's date. Well, now would be a tough time for our Prime Minister to call on an election amid the gloomy global outlook. Maybe, the best time to hold an election already gone!!!

Anyway, another interesting issue was the slump in Gold prices. Curiously, many investors questioning the different trend for gold prices. Normally, it will spike up along with the risk level of global equities market, together with USD. Theoretically, gold and USD would over-perform other asset classes during bad times. Yes, USD had already appreciated against a basket of currencies for a record 12 straight days. However, bullion erased its 2012 gains this week while investors are reducing gold holdings for a 3rd month, the longest stretch since 2004.

So, which is the Safe Heaven now?

Based on that fact, it seems like USD is the only safe heaven asset class that investors trusted now. Frankly speaking, Finance Malaysia don't know why gold behave differently this round. Anyway, we came out with the following potential explanations:

  1. Actually, we really don't know how to value gold. Is it expensive or cheap? There is no benchmark on gold prices. Because of that, gold price tends to be speculative in nature. Currently, hedge funds are the least bullish on metal since December 2008, and they are the one who drove up gold prices. Is this the time for them to take-profit?

  2. While there is no benchmark for gold, the strength of USD was based on US economy. We can't deny that US is recovering now, amid at a slow pace. Also, without QE3, why USD should stay low? With that reason, investors might chose USD than gold, as the potential is greater.

  3. Please don't forget that many European governments had the greatest gold holdings in the world. For sure, ECB needs to pump in more liquidity into market. Where does the money comes from? When you're holding many gold and you need money, what would you do? Of course, cash in by selling your golds.

Even said so, many analysts are predicting a rebound for bullion. While RBS, ABN Amro and Barclays cut their gold forecast in May, Goldman expects prices to rise by 25% to $1,940 an ounce in 12 months. Billionaire investors, George Soros is favoring gold and he may gave gold investors the confidence. Good Luck.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

New Fund: AmDynamic Allocator

Another new fund launched by AmMutual in a short period of time (barely few days), AmDynamic Allocator aims to achieve capital growth over the Medium to Long Term and at the same time provide income by investing primarily in collective investment schemes. This is a Fund-of-Funds, which means the fund is comprise of multiple funds.

The Fund will be managed with the aim of achieving positive investment returns over the Medium to Long Term regardless of market conditions. To achieve the investment objective, the Investment Manager applies a strategy that seeks to generate returns through investments in Collective Investment Schemes (CIS), which has exposure to various asset classes including but not limited to equity, fixed income securities and money market instruments. There will be no cross-holding between the Fund and CIS.

More about Investment Strategy

In selecting the asset classes for the Fund, the Investment Manager will adopt an active asset allocation process. The Investment Manager will first review the macroeconomic trends in the global and local equity markets. Under general market conditions, the Fund’s investment will be tilted towards equities. When the Investment Manager believes that the equity markets are overvalued, experiencing excessive volatility or expected prolonged declines, the Fund may invest a substantial portion of its assets in fixed income securities and/or money market CIS to achieve the Fund’s investment objective in bearish or non-performing equity markets.

Once the asset allocation has been decided, the Investment Manager will then select CIS to fit the asset classes. In evaluating the suitability of a CIS for investment, the Investment Manager will, amongst other factors, review the track record, investment objective, investment policies and strategies, fund performance, income distribution policy and cost factors of the CIS. The Investment Manager will review the asset allocation of the Fund at least on a monthly basis. The Fund intends to ONLY invest in CIS that are managed by AmInvestment Services Berhad.

The Fund is suitable for investors who:
• wish to have capital growth with yearly income;
• have a Medium to Long Term investment horizon; and
• wish to invest in a fund that potentially gives higher return than fixed deposit rates.

Source: Fund Prospectus

New Fund: AmAsia Pacific Equity Income

If you think that Asia Pacific will remain the main engine growth driver of world economy, then you should look into this fund launched by AmMutual. The Fund is a feeder fund, which will invest into the BlackRock Global Funds-Asia Pacific Equity Income Fund (the “Target Fund”), a sub-fund of the BlackRock Global Funds (BGF) domiciled in Luxembourg.

The Fund seeks to provide income and to a lesser extent Long Term capital growth by investing in the Target Fund which has an investment focus on Asia Pacific ex-Japan equities. The Fund seeks to achieve its investment objective by investing a minimum of 95% of the Fund’s NAV in the BlackRock Global Funds-Asia Pacific Equity Income Fund at all times. This implies that this Fund has a passive strategy.


BlackRock Global Funds (“the Company”) is incorporated in Luxembourg as an open-ended investment company under the laws of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and qualifies as a Part I UCITS (Undertaking for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities). 

The Company has adopted an “umbrella structure”, which allows it to offer investors within the same investment vehicle, a choice of investments in one or more sub-funds (each “sub-fund” and collectively the “sub-funds”) in respect of which a separate portfolio of investments is held, which are distinguished by their specific investment objectives, policies and/or currency of denomination.

The Target Fund is a sub-fund under the Company. The Target Fund was launched on 18 September 2009 and the total fund size of the Target Fund was USD64.50 million as at 29 April 2011. The Target Fund is regulated by Luxembourg Supervisory Authority, the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (“CSSF”).


The Target Fund seeks an above average income from its equity investments without sacrificing long term capital growth. The Target Fund invests at least 70% of its total assets in equity securities of companies domiciled in, or exercising the predominant part of their economic activity in the Asia Pacific region excluding Japan. Predominant part of the economic activity generally means that a major portion of a company’s business (which includes but is not limited to the company’s sales, earnings or assets) is derived from or located in the Asia Pacific region excluding Japan relative to that particular company’s business derived from or located in other regions. The remaining 30% of the total assets may be invested in financial instruments of companies or issuers of any size in any sector of the economy globally.

AmAsia Pacific Equity Income is suitable for investors who seek:

  • regular income from their investment;
  • Long Term capital growth on their investment;
  • participation in the upside potential of the Asia Pacific ex-Japan market; and
  • medium to high risk investment vehicle.

Source: Fund Prospectus

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Semiconductor Sector Poised to Rebound? (May 2012)

According to the Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA), despite an annual decline of 7.9% in March, global chip sales increased 1.5% MoM to USD23.0bn as sequential growth resumed across all regions, especially in Europe and Japan. SIA expects seasonal moderate growth to continue in the 2Q and build momentum as 2012 progresses.

While there may be concerns on the sector’s outlook due to the EU’s descent into a recession and China’s economic slowdown, it was believe that the growth momentum of the semiconductor market is sustainable. In our view, the EU’s decline will be offset by the recovery in the US while chip demand from China should remain resilient, driven by the tech hungry consumers and the proliferation of the IT market.

Outlook for local players

Management of most companies under our coverage has turned more optimistic about the coming quarter as customers raised orders in March. Analysts do foresee some stability, although the sustainability will depend greatly on how the global economy pans out. We believe the tremendous growth of smartphone and tablet PC, coupled with easing HDD shortages and lean inventory level ahead will lead to the revival of the semiconductor industry.

RHBRI believe recent industry data and indications by the major tech players’ supports their view that the sector has reached the trough and is on the path to recovery. Thus, to reflect the beginning of the industry growth cycle, RHBRI have raised their benchmark forward P/BV to 1.2x (from 1x previously) which is 1 standard deviation above Unisem’s 5-year historical average forward P/BV. Fair value estimates for Unisem and MPI are raised to RM1.84/share and RM4.09/share (from RM1.53 and RM3.40) respectively. Thus, upgrading Unisem and MPI to Outperform (from market perform previously).

Meanwhile, TA Securities believe Unisem and MPI will benefit from an increase in orders arising from the consumer electronics and wireless communications sectors. With that, TA upgrade the Semiconductor Sector to OVERWEIGHT and reiterate a BUY recommendation for both Unisem and MPI with a target price of RM2.15 and RM3.90, respectively.

Source: RHB Research Institute report, TA Securities

Friday, May 4, 2012

Outlook: SELL in May and Go Away? (May 2012)

Lackluster global markets. The Malaysian market sputtered in April after hitting a  record close of 1606.63pts early in the month. It then trended downwards together with most global markets, as political uncertainties in Europe sapped the strength of markets worldwide in the first half of the month, while political uncertainties at home dampened the KLCI in the second half of the month. This was indeed as per our expectations.

Outlook: Sell in May and Go Away?

We investigated the historical index performance over the months of May–Sept and Oct–April for the US and for Malaysia, Jakarta and Hong Kong to try and determine if there was any truth to the old adage. Analysis indicates that over the past 52 years in the US and 22 years in Asia, markets do indeed under-perform more during the months of May–Sept as compared to Oct–April, with the KLCI surprisingly emerging as a high beta market compared to the other three markets.

What goes up must come down
With the  historical trend speaking for itself and global markets performing robustly thus far in 2012, we therefore believe there is a strong risk for markets to retrace in May. Even though Malaysia has under-performed global markets year to date, a global slump may still put a dent in the Malaysian market. As such, we advise the following strategy for the month of May:

  • Sell early in the month with Blue Chips likely being sold down if the global market slumps
  • Buy defensive stocks early in the month, especially in the Mid and Small Cap consumer  space as some stocks here have not rallied in the 1Q
  • If markets come down significantly, ie, the KLCI drops below the 1550pts, then consider accumulating stocks in the Construction, O&G and Banking space on weakness

April Top Buys did well
Considering the 1.6% drop in the KLCI for April, our top Buys did well with 4 out of our Top 5 outperforming the KLCI and also returning a positive return for the month. This was due to our strategy of selectively picking stocks with their own specific catalysts in April. The only disappointment was  MMC that continued to be dampened by rumours of a delay in the IPO for Gas Malaysia.

Start off with defensives in May
With a potential drop in the market in May, we would recommend going defensive over a 1-month time frame. Those with a longer time frame could consider picking up cyclical as the market drops, but we do not have the luxury of that for our monthly outlook. The Top 5 are, therefore, familiar defensive names including telecom companies Axiata and Telekom Malaysia, consumer-related plays AirAsia (which may benefit from lower oil prices) and Media Chinese (benefiting from increased political interest) as well as TASCO, a small logistics company with reasonable dividend yields and a strong track record.

Source: OSK Research report

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Man against machine – Norwegian Style – Part II

Till slut segrar förnuftet! De två norska day traders som lyckat hitta ett mönster i hur en stor amerikansk institutionell hög-frekvens investerare programmerat sina datorer att handla har frikänts av norska högsta domstolen. I en lägre instans fick de villkorlig dom samt böter och jag har tidigare ifrågasatt varför de funnits skyldiga (Man against machine – Norwegian Style).

Hoppas detta är slutet på denna historia och att myndigheterna kallar in experter i ett tidigare skede nästa gång!